Citizen survey online, in mailboxes for Platte Citians

Platte City started a municipal service satisfaction survey late last week.

The biennial survey asked residents to provide their opinion on one or more specific issues facing the community. The survey can be completed online at or by returning a paper format from ETC Institute, which was contracted to do the survey.

The survey will ask residents their opinion and input on a wide range of municipal services including public safety, solid waste, street maintenance, parks and recreation, administrative services and leadership. ETC staff may follow up with emails or phone calls to some residents who receive the mailed survey document.

“Information from the survey provides the board of aldermen and city staff with a better idea regarding the wants and needs of our citizens,’’ mayor Frank Offutt said in a press release. “Responses from the 2015 and 2017 surveys resulted in the city prioritizing its efforts to improve traffic flow, increase police presence in retail areas, improve development planning and upgrade police department facilities. Resident’s survey responses directly affected the priority and schedule to improve Highway 92 between Running Horse and Kentucky, extend Kentucky Avenue to Fourth Street, initiate development activities east of Interstate 29 and fund the planned traffic signal improvements at Kentucky Avenue and Platte Falls Road, a project which has started this month.

“The survey results also led to the board’s decision to fund the first phase of police station improvement in this year’s city budget,” Offutt said. “Residents’ responses are important and have a direct impact on city service decisions.”

The standard questions in the direction finder survey instrument allows Platte City to track changes over time and to compare its results with those of similar communities. Platte City conducted its first direction finder survey in 2000 and completed its most recent past survey in the fall of 2017.

Survey results are scheduled to be completed with a final report in late November/early December. The full survey and complete survey results will be posted to the city’s website as soon as possible after board acceptance.

Contact city hall at 858-3046 with any questions regarding the 2019 Platte City Citizen Satisfaction Survey.