Judge orders jury trials cancelled through end of 2020

The Platte County Sixth District Circuit Court has taken a step back into its more cautious pandemic protocols and cancelled all jury trials through the end of the year.

In an order issued early this month, presiding judge Thomas Fincham cancelled all jury trials unless approved by himself, or required by constitutional provision. Jury trials are set to resume Monday, Jan. 4, 2021. The move was made after a COVID-19 exposure at the Platte County Courthouse in Platte City. When the trials do resume, they shall be conducted in compliance with social distancing protocols.

Fincham has also ordered mandatory face masks for the court and its staff, unless a staffer is alone in a private office. Common areas such as break rooms and canteens are closed, as are drinking fountains.

Occupancy in courtrooms, jury assembly rooms and other public areas will be limited to 10 people or less whenever possible and face masks will be required in all public court areas and during court proceedings.

The order includes municipal courts heard in the Platte County Courthouse, but not those for municipalities which still host their own courts.

Handling of misdemeanor cases and traffic tickets will also be limited to reduce courthouse capacity. Those with scheduled court appearances are encouraged to visit court.mo.gov to check on case status, or call the court at 858-1925.